Day 15: Your Favorite Quote
Har en massa favoriter ur familjen robinson just nu!! (den bästaste filmen!!)
"Can that be a boy name?"
"Hmm, let's see... take responsiblity for my own life or blame you? Dingdingdingdingding! Blame you wins hands down!"
"Ooh, a Mini-Doris! I didn't know you could do that!"
"Now, to lure him out of the house... I know! I'll blow it up! Yes! Yes, and... uh... no... no. That won't work. Then he'll be dead. Oh, I know! I'll turn him into a duck! Yes, it's so evil! Oh... I don't know how to do that... and I don't really need a duck... this may be harder than I thought."
Alla citat har The bowler hat guy sagt^^ ;D